I had planned to go out as early as possible. But then lethargy set in. I had watched a football match the previous night. So was feeling sleepy. I decided to sleep despite waking up at around 5 am. Finally I managed to go out at 7 am. Monisha made me a couple of sandwiches with chicken salami and cheese. The front handlebar bag from Via Terra had come the previous afternoon. I could easily fit the largish tiffin box in it and off I went.
It turned out to be the longest ride on the Surly so far. I went way beyond the new St Xavier's University. Up to where the 4 lane road ends. A few years ago we used to come here for birding when this road was being built. Lots of pipits, munias, zitting cisticolas, not to speak of the Bengal Bushlark. The new 4-laned road ends at a T junction, where the upper arm of the T is an old road. To the left are places like Lauhati, Polerhat and Bhojerhat. To the right is Ghatakpukur. I have no idea how far Ghatakpukur is from here. But that narrow road didn't give me enough confidence to want to explore. These roads are frequented by dangerous pick up trucks belonging to the fishery industry. They don't mind killing pedestrians and cyclists in their hurry. They themselves also routinely get killed.
I felt fairly good and strong during the ride. But I never tried to speed up. Maintained what is known as a conversational speed. Finally at around 11 am when I was near Chingrihata, I started getting bored and came home.
I felt fairly good and strong during the ride. But I never tried to speed up. Maintained what is known as a conversational speed. Finally at around 11 am when I was near Chingrihata, I started getting bored and came home.
The next morning is important. I think I had some ulnar nerve problems the next morning but that is perhaps more because of sleeping posture than from cycling. If it was due to cycling I would've felt it during the ride itself - like I did last time when I went for a 90 km ride. I could barely change gears with my fingers. It wasn't like that this time at all. But then I have ridden 75 km plus before and never got any ulnar nerve issue. So probably 90 km is what I need to ride on the Surly and see how the ulnar nerve reacts.

Here are a few pics from the ride. I had initially intended to go to Dalhousie. But then found Red Road was closed. Possibly some marathon was on. So turned around and went off to New Town area. Had half a mind to cross the bridge and go past Satragachhi. Learnt two important things about route selection. The route via Chingrihata right turn is bad for a few hundred meters after the bridge merges with the road, which in itself is a dangerous point. Also, VIP Road is really bad once the sun is up, especially on the way back. So it makes sense to go via VIP Road and come back through New Town.
While coming back, I cut my shin (blame the metallic MKS pedal) due to bad handling of the cycle at a tea stall. Not a major gash or cut. Just the top few micro millimeters got scraped. No bleeding and it is almost cured now.
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